Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 2 equals Changes

Week 2 = Changes

Changes are really happening - Good Changes at last! 

I can feel the difference Jetts is making in Me = Hallelujah...!! 

1. Energy levels have increased tenfold - And my head is in a different Mindset = Going up the steps at home no longer feels like climbing Everest. And when I want to fetch something from downstairs - I've gone and fetched the item in the time it used to take me to think about how far away the item was. 

2. I can see significant changes in my body shape to know I have lost weight = clothes are looser and I can move in them more freely. However I am sticking to my promise of weighing myself ONCE a MONTH so the next weigh-in isn't till Feb. I am looking forward to getting a nice surprise on the scales :) 

3. I eat a lot more carefully but am not so strict that I put myself off keeping this regime up. I have learnt that if I want a treat it's better to have it and get it out of my system - them I can move on. 
Otherwise I end up loosing the motivation to keep going. 
It's more important to give in today and carry on tomorrow - than abstain today and quit in a week  which has happened to me in the past. This is a Lifestyle - not a Diet Jail Sentence. 
Besides - I always make sure I burn off 100 calories in my Cardio routine alone so it's all good! 

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